Our Workbooks

An early remedial intervention program to put learners in the starting blocks for  successful school careers!

These workbooks are of great value to:

  • Grade R and RR learners in créches and pre-schools

  • Parents home schooling their pre-schoolers

  • Parents who want to expose their pre-school children to
    more stimulation.

  • Grade R and RR teachers and educators

  • Therapists


HOEP Workbooks are:
*    Compiled by Sunette Erasmus, qualified Remedial Therapist with 20 years of experience.

*    Beautifully and child friendly illustrated by Frieda-Marie de Jager.
*    A Teacher’s guide and workbook series.
*    Available in Afrikaans and English.
*    CAPS-aligned.
*    Multi-cultural.
*    Christian value based.

The key to bridging backlogs before starting with formal schooling.

The HOEP-workbooks focus on the development of perceptual skills, language & life skills and mathematical skills.

Perceptual Skills

Fine motor co-ordination, Visual discrimination, Reasoning and association, Visual sequencing, Visual-motor co-ordination, Visual closure, Foreground/background discrimination, Visual memory, Spatial Orientation, Form Consistency, Auditory discrimination, Auditory sequencing, Auditory memory, Listening Skills and Emergent reading and spelling for grade R

Mathematical Skills

Counting skills, Number recognition, Number forming, Addition, Subtraction, Word sums, Measurement, 2D and 3D shapes, Value and sorting of coins, Mathematical concepts such as: Big–small, biggest–smallest, bigger than–smaller than; Long–short, longest–shortest, longer than–shorter than; Many–few, more–less, First–second–third, first–middle–last; Float–sink, Roll–slide, Heavy–light, Full–empty


Each workbook consists of an assessment sheet where the learner’s progress can be indicated. It will give the educator or parent a clear indication of aspects needing more attention.

Life Skills

The workbooks (in accordance with CAPS) focus on specific themes to guide and to help young learners. If we do not equip our children with the necessary life skills, we fail them.

The Heaven-on-Earth Early remedial intervention program :

  • Does not intend to replace any curriculum being used in pre-schools or crèches.
  • Is supplementary to the school’s or crèche’s curriculum and of remedial nature.
  • Each lesson can be presented with ease in a weekly two-hour timeslot.
  • Each workbook consists of 9 lesson weeks.